Warsi's code breach 'was minor'

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 10:35 AM

Baroness WarsiDavid Cameron referred Baroness Warsi to his adviser on the ministerial code

Conservative Party co-chairman Baroness Warsi has been cleared of any serious breach of the ministerial code over her expenses.

The prime minister's adviser on the ministerial code Sir Alex Allan found her not guilty over a ministerial trip to Pakistan with her business partner.

Lady Warsi, who has apologised to the PM, said it was time to "move on".

She is still facing a separate probe by a parliamentary watchdog over her claim for an accommodation allowance.

In a statement, Lady Warsi, said: "I have always maintained that I have never misused my ministerial office for personal or financial gain. The allegations on this matter were untrue and unsubstantiated and I am pleased that Sir Alex Allan's report has confirmed that.

"The last month has been a difficult time for me and my family and I am pleased I can now move on from this period and get on with the job that I am privileged to do."

Labour has asked David Cameron's adviser on the ministerial code to widen his investigation into Tory co-chairman Baroness Warsi.

Lady Warsi is being investigated after she failed to declare business interests with a man before he joined her on an official trip.

She has apologised for the mistake.

Labour want further allegations that Lady Warsi paid for potential clients to attend a lunch with the PM to also be investigated.

Lady Warsi apologised after it emerged she had failed to declare that she and a relative, Abid Hussain, had stakes in the same firm before travelling together to Pakistan on a government trip in 2010.

The prime minister said he was "very happy" with her assurances but has referred the matter to his adviser on the ministerial code, Sir Alex Allan.

Mr Cameron said he believed the probe was a matter of tying up "loose ends".

Labour MP Michael Dugher has written to Sir Alex, asking him to also consider claims made in The Sunday Telegraph that Lady Warsi may have paid for potential business clients to attend a lunch with the prime minister.

The adviser on the ministerial code is independent of the government, but the BBC understands it is likely he would broaden his investigation to include any credible allegations that have arisen since Mr Cameron asked him to look into the initial claim two weeks ago.

A Conservative party spokesman said: "As we have made clear, the Sunday Telegraph report relates to a party-political event for members of the British Pakistani community.

"To suggest that there was any impropriety in their being invited is simply mischief-making."

Lady Warsi is also being investigated by the Lords Standards Commissioner after referring herself to the watchdog following reports she claimed accommodation allowance while staying with a friend rent-free in 2008.

She says she made "appropriate" payments equivalent to what she was paying at the time in hotel costs.


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