Syrian TV: Blast near monitors' hotel

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 | 12:55 AM

  • NEW: State-run media: U.N. monitors are safe after a blast near their Damascus hotel
  • Iranians rebuke a vote by Organization of Islamic Cooperation foreign ministers to suspend Syria
  • The U.N. humanitarian chief will meet with Syria's foreign minister Wednesday
  • Warplanes drop explosives on the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, opposition activists say

(CNN) -- An bomb attached to a diesel tanker exploded behind a hotel housing U.N. monitors, state-run TV reported Wednesday.

Three people were wounded in the blast near the Dama Rose Hotel, but the observers tasked with monitoring the situation in Syria are safe, state media reported.

Khaled al-Masri, a U.N. spokesman in Damascus, confirmed that observers were staying in the hotel but could not immediately confirm the conditions of the monitors.

He added that the U.N.'s humanitarian chief, who is in Damascus to meet with Syria's foreign minister Wednesday, is not staying at the Dama Rose.

Meanwhile, a global organization representing 1.5 billion Muslims is convening Wednesday amid the divisive topic of suspending Syria from the group.

The 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, this week in an effort to promote unity on issues affecting the group.

But the largest global body outside the United Nations is fragmented on Syria, with Iranians opposing a vote by the group's foreign ministers to suspend war-torn country.

The OIC's heads of state must approve the suspension before it can take effect.

But such a suspension would likely have little effect on the bloody civil war that escalates every day.

Warplanes dropped explosives on the eastern province of Deir Ezzor early Wednesday, opposition activists said, as fierce clashes broke out again between regime and rebel fighters near the Syrian-Turkish border.

As the chaos ensues, Valerie Amos, the U.N.'s emergency relief coordinator, is in Damascus to "draw attention to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria," the United Nations said. She is scheduled to tour parts of the embattled capital on Wednesday.

"The humanitarian situation in Syria has further worsened in recent weeks as fighting has spread in Damascus and to Aleppo and other cities," Amos' office said. "Two million people are now estimated to have been affected by the crisis, and over one million have been internally displaced."

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On Thursday, Amos will travel to meet with families who fled Syria and will talk with the government and humanitarian agencies about how to best support the refugees, her office said.

The United States, meanwhile, has lifted sanctions against the former Syrian Prime Minister Riyad Hijab, who recently defecting from President Bashar al-Assad's "killing and terrorist regime."

"Recent civilian and military defections from the Assad regime are further indications that the government is crumbling and losing its grip on power," said David S. Cohen, under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence at the U.S. Treasury. "The United States encourages other officials within the Syrian government, in both the political and military ranks, to take similarly courageous steps to reject the Assad regime and stand with the Syrian people."

The Syrian crisis has claimed roughly 17,000 lives since it erupted last year, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said last month. Opposition activists have put the toll at more than 20,000.

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CNN's Salma Abdelaziz, Nic Robertson, Holly Yan and Amir Ahmed contributed to this report.


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